Start with two points in the plane, f1 and f2, which we shall call foci. For any other point p in the plane, there are two associated distances,, the distance from p to f1 and from p to f2. Let's call these d1 and d2. An ellipse is a set of points for which the sum of d1 and d2 is constant. A hyperbola is a set of points for which the absolute difference of d1 and d2 is constant. An Oval of Cassini is a set of points for which the product of d1 and d2 is constant. What curve is formed by a set of points for which the ratio of d1 and d2 is constant? As both ellipses and cassini ovals fit into the class of curves informally known as ovals, my suspicion is that this curve will have a similar relationship to the hyperbola. Are there other binary operations for which we can input d1 and d2 and set the output constant to form an interesting curve? Because addition and multiplication are communitive and associative, it's easy to expand ellipses and cassini ovals to 3 or more foci... is there a way to generalize hyperbolas and their ratio-based cousins to 3 or more foci? If you expand the definition of an ellipse to all points in 3-space that have a constant sum of d1 and d2, you get a prolate spheroid(the foci of the generating ellipse don't move in the revolving), and in an oblate speroid, the foci of the generating ellipse trace out a circle... persumably similar would happen with cassini ovoids... but what about with hyperbolas? Does applying the definition of a hyperbola in 3-dimensions form a hyperboloid of one sheet, a hyperboloid of two sheets, or does it form a different surface altogether? A plane intersects a ellipsoid in an ellipse... if you trace the foci of the ellipses formed as a plane passes through an ellipsoid, what shape is formed? What shape is formed by taking all the points that are the foci of at least one ellipse section of the ellipsoid? For the special case of a sphere, the foci of a single plane trace a diameter of the sphere an all traces combined form the ball bound by the sphere, but for general ellipsoids, the traces are more complex, and I suspect their union might miss at least some of the ellipsoid's internal volume. While the plane curves above have a single constant for the binary operation d1 and d2 are inputted into, varying this constant forms a whole family... one way to illustrate the family is to draw all the curves in the plane for which the constant is an integer, but another is to go 3D and set the constant equal to the z-coordinate... I'm pretty sure this produces an elliptical cone for the ellipse, and we could probably call the others cones by analogy, but what would a hyperbolic cone look like? And since conic sections are based on elliptical cones, what do sections of cassini or hyperbolic cones look like? Another generalization of the ellipse is the superellipse, which takes the formula for an ellipse and lets the exponents vary... as long as the exponents are equal: Exponent = 2: Standard ellipse. Exponent > 2: a bulgier than normal super ellipse, becoming a rectangle as the exponent goes to infinity. Exponent between 1 and 2: a flatter than normal ellipse-like curve. Exponent = 1: a rhombus. Exponent between 0 and 1: a concave, four-cusped curve similar to an asteroid or deltoid... in fact, the asteroid is the case for an aspect ratio of one and exponent of 2/3... as the exponent goes to 0, the curves approach a pair of perpendicular segments... What happens if the exponents are less than 0? Is there a way of generalizing Cassini Ovals and hyperbolas like for superellipses? Addendum: Expanding on the above ideas of cones and superellipses, let's consider the surface x^z + y^z = 1 For 1 <= z <= infinity, this forms a shaft bounded by -1 <= x <= 1, -1 <= y <= 1 that starts as a square with edges of root2 rotated 45-degrees at z =1, rounds to a circle of radius 1 at z = 2, and rounds out further to a square of edges length 2 at z = infinity, and for 0 <= z <= 1, it roundes inward in a way I suspect superficially resembles a phillips head screw bit... not sure for z < 0, though I have my supicions that negative exponents cause things to go hyperbolic with asymptotic planes at x=0 and y = 0.